The primary purpose of this book is first and foremost to be a reply to the question asked by many descendants of the large numbers of Slovenian immigrants: why did their ancestors leave their native land in 1945 at the end of World War II? This was definitely not a case of economic emigration, as in the old Slovenian rhyme “s trebuhom za kruhom” [the bread beckons the belly]. The reply to the question is actually quite brief: to save their lives! Or, more accurately: because the Communist Party had taken over their country; this Party had been making plans for a revolutionary coup for a long time, long before the start of World War II, but in the middle of this war, as soon as Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union, the Party launched a Red Revolution, masquerading behind their cunning slogan, the duplicitous “Fight to Free the People”. [This Communist Party would and did kill everyone and anyone who stood in the way of its drive to power. The Slovenian émigrés of 1945 were the ones who miraculously slipped from their talons. So, although the reply is simple, the full tale is so complex that it needs a book such as this for the telling.] The answer to the question must be based on factual details, presented as objectively as possible. Read More...